1. Field Instrument Packages ( Includes Instruments such as Pressure, Temperature, Flow, Level Transmitters, Gauges, Switches, Indicators, PID Controllers) Design, Engineering, Supply, Installation and Commisioning.
2. Automation Including DCS, PLC SCADA, Remote Monitoring Systems using IIOT, Design, Engineering, Logic and SCADA Development,Supply, Installation and Commisioning.
3. Control Panels, Instrumenation Panels, LT MCC Panels
4. Installation and Commisioning of Electrical and Instrumenation works like HT and LT cable laying, termination, Cable Tray. LT and HT panels Erection, Testing Commisioning, Field Instruments such as Pressure, Temperature, Flow, Level Transmitters, Gauges, Switches, Indicators, PID Controllers installation, calibration and commsioning